Some useful tips when using Properties in Mediation Policies - WSO2 API Manager
You might already explored the use of Mediation Policies in WSO2 API Manager. Mediation Policies are used to perform various changes to the default request flow; may be adding a new header to the request before going to the backend, converting client’s JSON payload into XML before sending to the backend etc.
Here, I am going into those specific use cases in this post. I hope to write them in next few posts. Here, I am focusing more about using Properties effectively during mediation policies.
For example, to log the user who are calling the API, we can use the below property with the log mediator.
<log level="custom">
<property name="endUser" scope="default" expression="$ctx:api.ut.userName"/>
Use the correct Scope when using properties
When reading/setting properties, several scopes are available to use:
- Synapse (default): Properties used to get details of the API, pass data between different components of the request, response processes.
- Axis2: These properties can be used to pass instructions to the underline Axis2 engine.
- Transport: To read/write transport headers
- Registry: To access data from in-built registry
- System: To access the JVM’s system properties
- Environment: To access environment variables
Make sure to always explicitly specify the scope when accessing a property. Otherwise, the runtime engine tries to search for the property in each of the above scopes looking for its availability until one is found. This can cause a big performance impact.
Several ways to access properties
There are Three ways to access properties.
Basic Syntax:
<property name="string" [action=set|remove] [type="string"] (value="literal" | expression="xpath")
Property mediator can be used to both read or write properties.
<property name="endUser" scope="default" value="john"/><property name="endUser" scope="default" expression="get-property('default', 'api.ut.userName')"/><property name="REST_URL_POST_FIX" scope="axis2" value="/res/1"/><property name="REST_URL_POST_FIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
2. get-property XPath function
Basic Syntax:
get-property(String propertyName)
get-property(String scope, String propertyName)
Allowed scopes are: default
, axis2
, transport
, system
, env
<property name="endUser" scope="default" expression="get-property('default', 'api.ut.userName')"/>
For some of the scopes, properties can be accessed using a shorter form called XPath variables.
Available variables: $ctx
(default/Synapse Scope), $axis2
(Axis2 Scope), $trp
(Transport Scope), $url
(Access pre-defined params in the URL)
<property name="endUser" scope="default" expression="$ctx:api.ut.userName"/>
Properties you set in the inbound flow is available in the outbound flow
When we set a certain property in the request flow using a custom mediator (using default
scope), we can access the same property in the response flow as well. This is useful to exchange certain things between a custom-in mediation policy and a custom-out mediation policy.
Some important properties available to use when writing policies
We’ll take the inbuilt Pizzashack API as the example for demonstrating this. The API is deployed and its /order/{orderId}
resource was invoked with additional query parameters and with a valid access token.
GET https://localhost:8243/pizzashack/1.0.0/order/1?include=prize&trackingMode=true
Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQiOiJNell4TW1Ga09HWXdNV0kwWl...
Message In-bound Flow:
Below properties are available to use in your custom-in mediation policy.
Message out-bound Flow:
All the Properties specified above in Synapse scope are available here as well. In addition to them, below are available to use.
Let’s meet again with a post with some example use cases of using those properties.